Buy or Lease a Car

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The decision injury lawyers for you buy or St. John's Wort lease a car would depend on two things, your finances and your motivation. Let's focus on the finances first.


Usually, when you lease a car, you will be making a lower down payment than when you actually buy a new car with the help of a car loan. Of course, we are referring to cars of the same model and year. But when you lease a 2003 car, the down payment for it may be higher than when you buy a 1993 used car. Still, a 2003 car will most probably cash for structured settlements lower conference calling companies costs than the 1993 model. Besides, most leased cars have a three-year warranty. During such time, the car is fully-covered for any mechanical breakdowns.

Another advantage of leasing a car is the lower monthly payments than when you buy a car using a car loan. Unfortunately, at the end of the lease period, you get to return the car. It doesn't belong to you and you cannot use it as collateral if you plan to take out a loan. If you still want to use the same car, you have to lease it again, perhaps for the next three years. Or you may lease another car. Can you continue leasing cars every three years for the rest of your life?

Usually, you use a car loan when buying a new or used car. Only a handful of people in that planet can buy a car by paying outright cash. The down payment is higher, the monthly payments are also higher, and you shoulder the maintenance costs. But the monthly premiums will only be for about three or five years, depending on the terms of the car loan. After you pay it off, the car is yours forever. And if the car is new, there won't be much maintenance to spend on. A used car will most probably demand higher maintenance costs. Of course, when the car is yours, you must also pay for the insurance.

Comparing the two methods, leasing and buying, leasing is cheaper over a short period of time. But in the long run, about ten years or more, leasing will definitely be more expensive. You will need to sql server hosting your financial resources to decide which method can you afford.


Motivation, however, plays a vital role in your decision. Ask yourself why do you want a car. If you want it so that you will have a more convenient mode of transportation, or you badly need the car to get to your workplace on time, then you probably don't care much if your car is ten years outdated. What is important is that it runs well. Buying a car is a good option. But if you want a car for the image, then you wanted the latest model. Leasing a car will allow you to drive a new car model every three years.

Paul Rogers writes general finance and loan articles for the Loans UK Online website at

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