What It Meant By A DUI in Las Vegas?


United States began to toughen their law Joy To The World DUI in response to public outcry. Today, it is not necessary that a person be "drunk" to receive a DUI citation in Las Vegas. If your breath or blood test shows an alcohol concentration of .08% or more within TWO (2) hours of operating the vehicle, you are presumed to be too intoxicated to safely drive within the State of Nevada. You may not think that you are intoxicated and those around you may not think that you are intoxicated. However, you may be considered intoxicated for any the purpose of driving. That is, you may have enough alcohol and/or controlled or prohibited substances in your system to be considered too intoxicated to drive. If you are convicted,you will suffer harsh penalties.

DRIVING SYMPTOMS OF "DUI": The list of symptoms which follow include the probability that the driver is intoxicated. For example, the research indicates that the chances are 65 out of 100 that a driver who is straddling a center or lane marker has a blood-alcohol concentration of .10 percent or higher (the research was conducted before blood-alcohol levels were dropped to .08 percent).

*Turning with Wide Radius 65,
* Straddling Center or Lane Maker 65,
* Appearing to be Drunk 60,
* Almost Striking Object or Vehicle 60,
* Weaving 60, * Driving on Other Than Designated Roadway 55,
* Swerving 55, * Slow Speed (more than 10 mile per hour below limit) 50,
* Stopping (without cause) in Traffic Lane 50,
* Drifting 50, * buy meridia online Too Closely 45,
* Tires on Center or Lane Maker 45, * Braking Erratically 45,
* Driving Into Opposing or Crossing Traffic 45,
* Signaling Inconsistent with Driving Actions 40,
* Stopping Inappropriately (other than in lane) 35,
* Turning Abruptly or Illegally 35,
* Accelerating or Decelerating Rapidly 30,
* Headlights Off 30

Penalties for Drunk Driving in Nevada:

A first-time offender faces up to gods months in jail or up to 96 hours of community service while dressed in distinctive garb that identifies the offender as a violator of Missouri Lemon Laws DUI law. A first-time offender is also subject to a fine ranging from $400 to $1,000. These offenders must also pay for and attend an education course on alcohol abuse. The driving license Iowa Lemon Laws period is 90 days. First-time offenders with a "BAC" of .18 or greater will be placed in an alcohol Anabolic Fusion - 90-900mg capsules facility for up to one year.

A person who commits a second "DUI" within seven years of the first conviction faces up to six months in jail or six months in residential confinement, which is the equivalent of house arrest. These offenders are also subject to pay a fine between $750 and $1,000 or perform an equivalent numbers of hours of community service while dressed in distinctive garb that identifies the offender as having violated Nevada DUI laws. Second-time offenders will also be placed in an alcohol treatment facility for up to one year. The driving license revocation period is one year.

A person who commits a third "DUI" within a seven-year period faces one to six years in prison and must pay a fine of $2,000 to $5,000. The driving license revocation period is three years.

Survival Tips:

Do not answer any questions other than name and address.

Do not agree to perform roadside tests.

Do not agree to have your eyes tested.

Do not agree to blow into a handheld breath tester.

Do consent to a breath or blood test, if you are asked to take one.

Be polite. Produce requested documents.

It is very important that you share with your attorney ALL of the details and facts about your case, and that you give him or her the TRUTH.

Andy Taylor runs websites on www.dui-lawyer-guides.comDUI Lawyer DUI Lawyer Guides provides free information on DUI related issues please check www.dui-lawyer-guides.comwww.dui-lawyer-guides.com

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