Is a Podcast Right for You Personally?

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The exciting thing about every new marketing technology is there usually is a period where marketers have first mover advantage over their competitions. Being the first, even the first in the industry to use the technology could increase the success rate tremendously.

But that doesn't come with a cost though. As the first, they have no role model to base their strategy upon. Sometimes even this could pay handsomely.

Now that the free ride is over, Tonenljhqwcnb still is a viable marketing channel that can really work if you take it seriously. It is more about planning and having a sound strategy before you plunge.

Podcasting is not a be-all and end-all solution to modern marketing and content publishing. While podcast is great, it doesn't suit every Dvdnllaasqzxz situation.

Podcasting is certainly not for everyone personally. For instance, podcasting doesn't suit anyone who can't commit to publishing regularly every day, every few weeks or every month. Having a podcast up once in six months and at the same time hoping to get overnight results is not going to happen.

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself before deciding if podcasting is right for you.

1. Unicorns you prefer talking to writing?

Some people prefer to communicate by talking but others can get their points across better in writing. If you are great at delivering your message verbally, then this might be right for you.

2. Do you have the resources?

If you work alone, do you have the time to work on this? Can you hire or train new staffs to help you with other things while you spend time podcasting?

Talking is easy, but podcasting is far from instant. You can't possibly produce one-hour podcast in exactly one hour, especially if you divide your podcast into different segments or have editorial content to follow.

3. Can you stick to a schedule?

As your podcast grows, your audience should expect to get new content regularly. Can you produce content and make them available on a regular basis? Related to the second point above, you need to take various resources into account and consider if your plan is achievable.

4. Do you enjoy networking with others?

Sooner or later, if you are podcasting, people will in turn talk about you and you will have to network with other podcasters or bloggers to extend your message.

5. Honesty and transparency.

The new social media marketing require you to speak transparently and with honesty. People spot lies quickly. It can do more harm than good if you do it wrong. Being transparent and honest are two very important traits every podcaster should have.

6. Goals and case studies. Can you determine your goals you want to achieve with podcasting? Is it possibly done with this technology? Is there anyone who has done that? Due diligence is key.

Starting a podcast no longer is a "create it and they will come" endeavor. As with anything you want to do regularly, you should at least some passion to be able to do it without seeing it Thingmaker a burden. Passion can really get into a podcast. No one knows how, but the audience will know it.

Copyright Hendry Lee and

Hendry Lee helps small business owners and web publishers overcome challenges in using marketing technologies to start and grow their online business. Get comprehensive tutorial on how to plan and start your own podcast here: tutorial. Download white papers and subscribe to weekly dose of profit tips and get concise information and Purchasemoviesrbccqnp to get the most out of your blog.

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